• Providing all materials, labor, equipment and services.
  • Subcontracting with various trade and specialty contractors.
  • Applying for or assisting in the application process for building permits.
  • Monitoring schedule and cash flow.
  • Maintaining accurate records.
  • Ensuring a safe and secure project site.


At C&N  Constructions, we work diligently with clients and design teams to analyze the program and design alternatives to propose suggestions that provide value and reduce cost without compromising the aesthetics of your project.

Meaningful preconstruction services bring value, potential cost savings, and informed decision-making to the client while eliminating surprises to provide you with a predictable outcome. We take the value analysis process very seriously, thinking outside the box to achieve your goals with your budget and project needs in mind.

For each value analysis suggestion, we prepare a comparative value study that includes an assessment of cost and schedule impacts. We offer a comprehensive breakdown of alternatives that weigh the cost implications and take into consideration the operational costs, product durability, and ease of operation for each suggestion.

Why We Do It Better

We use proven methodology and experience to bring you the most accurate cost estimates, including:

  • Calling upon recent  projects for comparison
  • Utilizing relevant and regional bid information
  • Incorporating comprehensive phasing plans that could impact project cost and duration
  • Pricing a variety of options to streamline the decision-making
  • Breaking down the estimates by system or program area
  • Using forethought to present options that do not limit future plans